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What is a Roof Condition Inspection for:
1. An examination of the roof system, flashings, sheet-metal flashings, drains, and gutters
2. An evaluation of observed conditions that might affect the long-term performance of the roof system
3. Documentation of deficiencies requiring corrective action
A Roof Condition inspection is much more then it sounds, if your home is over 25 years old you are required to have a current roof inspection done. A roof inspection covers the working condition and approxamite life expectancy of the roof which includes, the structure and the material components of your roof. It is a integral as your roof itself.
With over 20 years experience with contracting and building Coastal Mitigations INC has the knowledge and the personal experience to ensure the process goes smoothly and that the final product is everything you dreamed of and more.
© 2015 Shifted Studios License # : CBC1257741 Inspection License # : HI1810
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